
Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Jacobs Media released the results of its 12th annual Tech Survey at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) convention going on now in Las Vegas. Radio continues to be the top audio source in vehicles but elsewhere media usage continues to evolve toward digital sources.

Results of Tech Survey #12 show that around 90% of new vehicle purchasers want broadcast radio in their cars:

Don’t confuse this Tech Survey with the Public Radio Tech Survey (PRTS), also conducted by Jacobs Media.  (Scroll down to see more about the PRTS.)

The just-released Tech Survey #12 was conducted online between January 19 and February 22, 2016. According to Jacobs Media, there were 39,403 in-tab respondents. Folks were asked to identify platforms and devices they had used during the past week for at least one hour per day.

Summary results are included in the Media Usage Pyramid:


Podcasts were the fastest growing platform – 28% of respondents said they listened to at least one. Jacobs Media CEO Fred Jacobs said:

“Every year when we sit down to analyze the data, we’re in search of ‘the one big thing’ that impacts radio. This year, we see strong signs that podcasting may emerge as a game changer for broadcasters.”

Connected car ownership has doubled from last year. One in five respondents say they drive a car with an in-vehicle system. Two-thirds (64%) of respondents reported connecting their phone to their car’s audio system. Use of Smart Phones, social networks, texting, radio and TV all exceeded 80%.


The 8th annual PRTS will be conducted in May 9 - 17.  Results of PRTS #8 will be available at Public Radio Program Directors (PRPD) conference in September.  PRTS #8 and Tech Survey #12 use similar methodology and results are also similar. Jacobs Media is adding several questions of interest to noncom folks:

• Podcasting: Who is using, how much, on what platforms and how valuable is this media option? In addition to tracking usage, PRTS8 will explore the key podcasting topics that listeners are interested in, and how listening to on-demand content affects AM/FM radio listening.

• NPR One: Jacobs is following up on last year’s initial questions about the platform and how public radio listeners are using it.

• The Connected Car:  PRTS #8 be looking at the in-car audio share of radio, satellite radio, apps, and other audio sources.

• Editorial & Promotion:  Jacobs will explore how the Presidential race has impacted listening and public radio interest. The study will also focus on the impact of cross-promotion on usage and occasion setting.

Noncommercial stations interested in participating should contact Lisa Riker ( at Jacobs Media for more information. The deadline for participation in May 5th.


Woodshole, Massachusetts

WCAI, Woodshole, Massachusetts [link] and KRTS, Marfa, Texas [link], are doing a public media exchange called Radio Hometown: Two Stations, Two Hosts, One Community of Listeners. Though the stations are over 2,000 miles apart, both are successful small-market community stations known for their innovation and leadership.

For three weeks in April and May, Steve Junker of WCAI will travel to Marfa, Texas, to host Morning Edition, while Travis Bubenik of Marfa Public Radio goes to coastal Massachusetts to host All Things Considered.

According to WCAI, Junker came up with the idea of an exchange program more than one year ago. Since then, he’s been working with Tom Michael, General Manager of Marfa Public Radio, who was once approached about swapping reporters with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

Steve Junker

Junker said “We want this project to be a chance to expand our definitions of community, to share our stories more widely, and to grow our sense of connection by learning more about each other—letting Massachusetts talk to Texas, the desert talk to the Cape.”

The project will run from Monday, April 18 through Friday, May 6. The two stations will document the process throughout and make their findings available to other public media organizations interested in similar exchanges.

Travis Bubenik

Both hosts report on environmental and land-use issues.  Junker specializes in, among other topics, saltwater fishing. Bubenik reports from West Texas and covers organic agriculture, rural economics and other issues affecting the Big Bend and the Permian Basin.

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