
Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Maine Public [link] is one of the most successful and admired noncommercial radio and television broadcasters.

Now, Maine Public promises to get even better. 

In November 2018, Maine Public released the strategic plan. It is remarkable for its vision, clarity and timeliness.  

You can download a pdf of the strategic plan and see a video presentation about it by CEO Mark Vogelzang here.

In the video, Vogelzang describes Maine Public’s opportunities and challenges:

Mark Vogelzang
“At a time of significant challenge for media in this country, Maine Public is resolute in our commitment to deliver independent, trusted journalism and quality programming. We have steadily grown our audience over the past few years to the largest in our history. We also have had strong financial support from our growing membership, also the highest in our history.”

“To reflect the changes in the way our audience accesses news and information, we will strive to broaden and deliver our programming across Maine with fewer barriers and via multiple platforms.”

According to the plan, the keys for future success are to focus on content, multiple platform distribution and keeping the public’s trust.

To achieve these goals, Maine Public will work on four strategic priorities:

Continue to build Maine Public's position as the premier, independent, trusted source of news and educational, cultural, and public affairs programming in Maine.

Become more relevant to an increasingly diverse audience with an emphasis on future listeners and viewers.

Improve organizational sustainability through continued momentum in revenue generation, targeted strategic growth, and strengthening the organizational culture.

Address and resolve the need for our production and office facilities to be updated, modernized and aligned with our strategic direction so that we are well-positioned to maximize public service and audience impact for many years to come

The plan makes frequent references to the importance of news content. The plan says:

“Our top priority is to deliver news and other content that people can trust. With NPR, PBS, and other partners we will continue to be the standard bearer for high-integrity journalism and programming. We will increasingly engage our audiences via face-to face-events and interactive programming.”

Vogelzang and other members of the Maine Public executive team authored the plan. Members of the board of trustees advisory committee also contributed to the plan.


One thing that is certain now is that Maine Public is the “radio news of record” for the state. 

In Portland, the state’s largest market, Maine Public’s News channel had an AQH share of 10.3%. 

 The closest commercial news station, WBZ-AM from Boston had a 0.4% AQH share in December. This is simply awesome.

But wait, there is more! 

In Augusta, Maine’s capital city, and in Bangor, Nielsen list no news or talk radio stations other then Maine Public.

Maine Public’s Classical channel also is doing well. In August 2017, Maine Public announced they had purchased commercial station WTQX 96.7 FM for $550,000. 96.7 FM has a huge coverage area. It’s call letters now are WBQA “W-Bach.”

 Unofficially, Maine Public News has approximately 229,700 estimated weekly listeners. Maine Public Classical has around 50,000 estimated weekly listeners.

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