
Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Kudos to Abby Goldstein and company for asking attendees of the Public Radio Content Conference (PRCC) to be involved with shaping the topics covered in key sessions. 

Complete conference information can be found here.  

Several hundred radio/audio programmers, managers, content creators, and much more will be attending the PRCC. 

It is the only public radio conference dedicated exclusively to programming and content.

Standard registration [link] will end on Friday, July 26th

So act now if you are planning on attending the PRCC.

Here are several newly announced sessions at this year's PRCC:

Ethics Can Be Fun….Really!  (Day & time tba)

This session is about the ethical decisions that we make every day in the workplace. Sometimes decisions are difficult because of competing agendas, unclear standards and the need for fair treatment

The session organizers are asking that attendees submit situations for the discussion. Send an email with a brief overview of the situation to  Please put ETHICS in the subject line.

• FORMAT COHORT MEETINGS (Wednesday 2:30pm)

The host of Format Meetings are asking attendees to let them know of topics to include in the discussions.  Send your thoughts and ideas to Here are the hosts of each group:

• News/Talk Group – Hosted by Ben Adler, Capital Public Radio and Arvid Hokansen, KUOW
• Triple A Group – Hosted by Jim McGuinn, The Current
• Classical Group – Hosted by Bill Lueth, KDFC/USC Radio Group
• Jazz Group – Hosted by Michael Rathke, WRTI
• Independent Producer's Meeting – Hosted by Daren Dortin, Ozark Highlands Radio


Chris Thile and the cast and crew of Live From Here welcome Son Volt, Chastity Brown and PRCC attendees to the Fine Line Music Cafe for a special Current Microshow event.

The Fine Line, located just a few blocks from the conference hotel, is one of the best live music venues in the city. 

Son Volt
Co-sponsor New Belgium Brewing invites PRCC folks to hear Chris Thile, host of Live from Here, perform a solo acoustic set, followed by Minnesota's own Chastity Brown. Then Jay Farrar and Son Volt will perform a rare acoustic set.

This is a first-come, first-served event. The venue doors open at 7pm. PRCC attendees who want to see the show can get your entry badge when you check in at the registration desk.

Live Events That Strengthen Public Radio (Day & time tba)

In a time of deafening online chatter and digital isolation, live events have become a powerful force for good. Attending live events makes people feel more connected to each other, the community, and the world around them. In this session, we'll explore a variety of different events, from policy discussions to live podcasts to music performances,that engage with passionate audiences and create positive impressions for your brand.

Who Are We Making This For? A New Look at Audience for Podcast Strategy and More (Day & time tba)

Anyone can make a podcast, but not everyone understands the audience. In this interactive session, we go beyond market research and audience analytics. At this session we will discuss a road map for content development that holds the listener.  This audience-centered design will allow you to involve key stakeholders and motivate listeners.


As many of you know, Nielsen is changing its procedure regarding ratings data for markets measured using Diary methodology. Nielsen’s new Continuous Audience Measurement in Diary markets was introduced at the urging of commercial radio advertisers who want the data quicker than quarterly reports.

Nielsen will now distribute 12 monthly reports based on the same sample size as quarterly reports. However, the price for subscribers went up.

This change has had mixed reviews from stations, particularly noncommercial stations. Procedures are still evolving. We get our information directly from Nielsen. We will publish the results in the manner Nielsen releases it. One difference you will notice is that we only have AQH share percentages.

In New Orleans the trend line for NPR News/Talk WWNO is stable.  WWNO’s second station -- Classical 104.9 – is now heard by enough diarykeepers that it is the ratings chart. Classical 104.9 is fed via WWNO HD2 to a translator at 104.9 FM which has a good coverage of key area of NOLA.

KOSU is still having a tough time making a bigger dent in the Oklahoma City metro despite spending a lots of money to increase there presence. 

Measured listening to NPR News/Talk KGOU has been fairly stable over the past three Spring books.  Classical KUCO had a nice upward bump in the Spring 2019 ratings.

Richmond is a “before and after” situation.   

Both hometown WCVE and Roanke’s WVTF both had a dual format with News and Classical music until mid-year 2017. When both stations flipped to all-News each debuted a local full-time Classical music station.

Meanwhile AAA station WNRN, based in Charlottesville, keep adding to it AQH share in Richmond.

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