
Thursday, June 18, 2020


Image courtesy of Forbes

Two of public radio’s biggest shops – MPR/APM and Chicago Public Media/WBEZ  – announced staff cuts and changes in national programs on Tuesday (6/16). 

The reason this happening is the same at both organizations: The widespread economic turmoil and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

• At MPR/APM 28 staff members were let go and Live From Here was cancelled.

• At Chicago Public Media/WBEZ 12 staff members were let go and the music and commentary program Sound Opinions lost its production deal with WBEZ. Sound Opinions will continue producing its weekly shows as an independent entity.

John McTaggart
John McTaggart, CEO of American Public Media Group, the umbrella organization that includes Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) and American Public Media (APM), described the situation in a prepared statement:

“MPR and APM are facing a large and unexpected financial challenge. Like all our media peers, over the past few months, some of our revenue sources have dramatically and simultaneously declined, particularly from regional and national underwriting and corporate sponsorship, national program distribution, ticketed events, custom travel, financial investments and other earned income.”

The cuts were particularly painful at MPR/APM. Less than a month ago, 14 MPR staffers agreed to buy-outs or accepted voluntary furloughs. Then last Tuesday, the other shoe dropped.

MPR/APM did not release the names of who was let go, but posts on social media said the departed include politics writer Catharine Richert, education reporter Alex Friedrich, reporters Chris Roberts, Emily Kaiser, David Cazares and host Beth Kidd.

MPR/APM has also trimmed its executive pay by 20-35 percent, reduced part-time worker's hours, halted pay raises and merged some departments.

Chicago Public Media, the operator of NPR News/Talk WBEZ and Urban Alternative Vocolo, is anticipating a 20% drop in revenue in the next fiscal year. According to a report by Chicago-based media reporter Robert Feder, WBEZ’s projected deficit is four times larger than the deficit experienced during the 2008-2009 recession.

WBEZ Chief Content Officer and Interim CEO Steve Edwards told Feder:

“While these decisions are extremely difficult ones, we have worked hard to preserve the local journalism and programming investments that are so critical to our mission and to our community. As a result, we have not made any layoffs to our newsroom, programming or Vocalo teams.”


The cancellation of Live From Here was not unexpected. Revenue from live performances of the show was “iffy” because of the pandemic. 

The program has been airing on around 400 stations. APM will continue to feed archive shows through the summer.

Chris Thile, the host of Live From Here, said in a series of tweets that he is sad about the cancellation but is grateful to APM for the opportunity and four years of shows.

Sound Opinions and Chicago Public Media will part ways as of August 28th. Hosts After tnat date, hosts Jim DeRogatis and Greg Kot will produce the show independently. Sound Opinions will continue to be distributed via PRX.

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