Wednesday, October 30, 2019


An unprecedented drop in people who consider themselves “Christian” has left many people in the CCM music and radio industries wondering where to turn for potential audience growth.

Last month Pew Research released a report [link] that says the percentage of people who believe in Christian dogma has dropped by 12% in the past decade. Meanwhile, people who say their religious identity is atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” is now at 26% of the U.S. adult population, up from 17% from a decade ago.

According to Pew Research, the younger a person is, the more likely they are to not consider themselves to be Christian. 

The decline reflects changes in all demographics, location and political affiliations.

Pew Research conducted telephone surveys regarding the topic in late 2018 and early 2019 and mashed it together with earlier studies. 

Both Protestant and Catholic faiths are following the trend.

The dwindling number of Christian believers concerns some, but not all, leaders in Christian media. 

San Diego consultant Mark Ramsey thinks it is an opportunity for CCM radio.

Ramsey is well known in both commercial and public radio circles.  Over the past several years Ramsey has become a major player in Christian music radio. 

His FaithBright initiative [link] includes clients such as the Educational Media Foundation (EMF). 

That is the organization that produces and distributes the satellite delivered, automated format K-Love.

Mark Ramsey

Ramsey says that his research indicates that the audience for formats like K-Love isn't in church.

Ramsey believes CCM brings music and messages that are aspirational, hopeful.

"CCM music can help make you a better person."

Ramsey says that the Christian Contemporary music format is different than the church. 

He acknowledges that the church’s mission is still to bring people to Christ. Ramsey saya CCM music can open hearts, but it is up to the church to convert them to parishioners.
Ramsey commented on his website [link]:

So while the local Church rises or falls on the size of its flock, Christian radio can continue to grow both in listenership and support, no matter how many people attend Church regularly and no matter how many even describe themselves as Christians.

KEN SAYS: Perhaps the CCM message has gone from “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” has now become “Jesus Wants You Have a Nice Day.”


In Nielsen Audio’s October PPM ratings, over the past three months WBEZ has been building its AQH share.

K-Love on WCKL is steady in AQH, but WCKL appears to be loosing Cume.

Urban Alternative Vocalo still isn’t showing the growth it will need to ever become sustainable.

In the October PPM ratings there is very promising story. Classical KDFC has been seeing an uptick in both AQH share and estimated weekly listeners. 

Friends tell us that KDFC is “sticky” in the way it seamlessly takes the listener/viewer across the platforms.

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