Monday, October 31, 2016


Last week the bankruptcy trustee for Pataphysical Broadcasting Foundation, licensee of the former KUSP-FM in Santa Cruz, California, sold the station’s license to Educational Media Foundation (EMF) for $605,000. EMF had the highest bid in an auction for the FM license, the licenses for four translators and the tangible assets of the organization.

As we reported in early August [link], KUSP ceased broadcasting at end of July and then filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy to settle its debts, estimated at over $800,000. Some of the former station’s creditors will not receive full payment. The bankruptcy trustee also received a $600,000 bid from KCRW, Santa Monica.

EMF is the nation’s largest noncommercial religious broadcaster. It owns and distributes two satellite-delivered Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) formats known as K-LOVE and Air1.  Both formats already are heard in Santa Cruz on FM translators.


There are a number of lessons from KUSP’s failure that all noncommercial broadcasters can learn from, particularly stations licensed to community organizations.

KUSP suffered from “Pacifica Syndrome,” a dysfunctional condition often associated with Pacifica Radio, perhaps the next noncom to face a similar fate.

As a public service, here are five essential questions that station management should answer to determine if their station has Pacifica Syndrome:

• Are your Board members divided into “factions” that stridently disagree about the governance, programming and purpose of the station?

• Is there a prevalent belief within your station that it is more important to get your station’s politics right than get the “radio basics” right?

• Does your station have internal committees with the power to overrule management decisions?

• Can the station’s members vote to overturn the management of the station?

• Do members of your governing Board feel that decisions made in Board meetings are more important than what goes over the air and on digital media?

If you said “yes” to three or more of these questions you should take action to prevent your station from being the “next KUSP.”


Podtrac [link] has released its latest list of the Top 20 podcasts and noncom public media publishers continue to dominate the chart. Of the 19 publishers identified in the September rankings, 13 (68%) are affiliated with public radio outlets.

NPR publishes 6 of the Top 20 podcasts, PRX/Radiotopia publishes three and WNYC Studios and This American Life both publish 2 of the podcasts.

FYI – Note that no specific access or listening metrics are provided for the chart entries. There is no way to tell how close or far apart #1 is from #2 or #20. In the fine print Podtrac says: Ranking of these shows is determined by a proprietary Podtrac algorithm which uses publicly available data.

So, show us the data data please. Without some sort of metrics, the Top 20 list feels like an Ouija Board.

Friday, October 28, 2016


Not all NPR News stations are losing weekly listeners like WBEZ. (See yesterday’s post.) NPR News stations in the four markets we are examining today increased their weekly cume from September to October. Nielsen Audio estimates via RRC arrived this week for PPM markets. The biggest story may be in Boston.

WBUR and WGBH have been in an epic battle for the past two years. They are competing head-to-head for NPR News listeners in a rivalry seldom seen in noncommercial radio. Except for one month in 2015 when WBUR had technical problems, WBUR has always been the top dog.  Not anymore.

According to Nielsen’s estimates for October, WGBH topped WBUR in Average-Quarter-Hour (AQH) shares: WGBH 4.0%, WBUR 3.4%.  WBUR maintained the weekly cumulative listeners lead by 1,700 persons.  And both WGBH and WBUR gained weekly listeners.

October was a good month for New York Public Media.  WNYC-FM gained an estimated 113,400 weekly listeners, 14% up from September.  Classical WQXR had its best showing in a couple of years, up 152,600 weekly listeners, 23% up from September.

WNYC-AM fell a bit but that is to be expected because they only have full-market coverage during daylight hours. The results for WBGO look like a “wobble” to me. We will know more after a couple of books.

In the Twin Cities, NPR News KNOW continues to build weekly listeners. CCM powerhouse KTIS-FM was down compared to September. Classical KSJN added around 20,000 weekly listeners.

NPR News station KCFR also increased weekly listeners, up 5% from September. Denver-Boulder is perhaps the most competitive "progressive rock" market in the country. Noncoms on the Front Range compete with two heritage, very hip commercial stations: KTCL and KBCO.  I have the feeling there is a lot of time-sharing between the commercial stations and the two noncoms.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Today is a tale of two noncom news stations in two cities where each station owns the NPR News franchise. WBEZ is the sole provider of NPR News in Chicago and WAMU does the same in Washington, DC. WAMU’s estimated weekly cumulative listeners keep rising but WBEZ’s weekly listeners have declined 152,000 in seven months.

Earlier this month we reported [link] on the decline of NPR News stations between March 2016 and September 2016 according to Nielsen Audio PPM estimates. We found this pattern at several big NPR News stations. WBEZ had some of the biggest losses.  We used a six-month comparison to keep the analysis within election season. Theoretically NPR News stations have increased listening during hot news cycles. Apparently not all of them abide by this notion.

I feel that weekly cume is an important metric because it shows the overall circulation of a station. Station programmers tend to watch metrics derived from Average Quarter Hour (AQH) listening estimates. AQH is important. However, a pattern of fewer weekly listeners means fewer people are entering a station's “listener pool.” This can't be good news in the long run.

On the left is a chart showing WBEZ’s weekly cumulative listeners for the months of March through October 2016.  I sent a copy of this chart to the programming and press folks at WBEZ for comment.  We have not received a reply. If/when we hear from WBEZ we will update this post.

Earlier this month we attempted several times to get a comment from WBEZ and no one replied.  It is hard to believe that (1.) WBEZ doesn’t know about this trend, and (2.) WBEZ isn’t concerned about it.

Here are the October 2016 numbers for all subscribing noncom stations in Chicago, plus one-month trends.


Good news keeps coming for WAMU from Nielsen Audio.  In the October estimates WAMU had 861,400 weekly cumulative listeners, up 3% from the prior month. Perhaps the biggest news was WAMU’s AQH share: 9.6%, up from 9.0% in September.

Hubbard Broadcasting’s WTOP had a 9.2% AQH share and a weekly cume of 1,186,600.

Folks should be aware that Nielsen and RRC discourages noncom stations from celebrating “wins” over commercial stations. Commercial broadcasters pay much more for the data than noncoms. Too much “we’re number one” lingo might raise concerns with commercial broadcasters such as Ginny Morris, the CEO of Hubbard.

Here are the October 2016 numbers for all subscribing noncom stations in DC, plus one-month trends. Note the nice up book for Classical WETA. Meanwhile CCM WGTS keeps losing cume.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


From time-to-time I get anonymous comments from folks who sound like they are industry insiders. I like to get comments from almost any source but I never publish anonymous comments until I’ve had a chance to check out the story. Readers can send emails to me at

One anonymous source claims to be on the Board of WNYC Public Media.  I have no way of verifying his/her claim but the person sounds legit.  Yesterday I received a message from this source.  Here is a portion of it:

“I’ve been saying at WNYC board meetings for years that New York City still has some of the best radio programming I know of including WNYC, WFMU, WNYE and WBAI (less so these days). But, hands down, WKCR is where my radio is tuned most of the time.”

WKCR has just been declared "best radio station 2016" by the unscientific Village Voice Best of New York survey, doesn't even appear in the [Nielsen Audio ratings]. Why is this?”

I looked for WKCR in the Village Voice and, sure enough, there it is [link]:

Columbia University's WKCR is a beacon of uptown grace. The award-winning radio institution has provided alternative programming for 75 years, with shows spanning fringe jazz, baroque classical, and Middle Eastern folk.

WKCR seems to have an ample budget, estimated to be around $200,000. The station occasionally has fund drives but a lot of WKCR’s revenue appears to come from alumni. They don’t subscribe to Nielsen Audio’s ratings because they don’t care. They say they don't need to know.

A former WKCR manager once said: “We pride ourselves on providing content that is uniquely ours. We love our music and we play it with pride.”

That is still the operating philosophy today.


WKCR 89.9 FM [link] is Columbia University’s noncommercial student-run radio station. WKCR is now celebrating its 75th anniversary.

WKCR began at the dawn of FM broadcasting. Edwin H. Armstrong, the inventor of FM radio was a professor at Columbia University in the 1930s. In July 1939 Armstrong’s first FM station signed on near Alpine, New Jersey, across the Hudson River from Manhattan. 

Armstromg encouraged the Columbia University Radio Club to apply for a FM license. They did and on February 24, 1941 what is now WKCR went on the air. Soon after that date, America was thrust into WW2 and FM broadcasting ceased until after the war.

Today, you could call WKCR “the alternative to all of the alternatives.” It is truly a one-of-a-kind student station.

REASON #1: They never throw anything away.

The library includes analog tapes, records, 78s, compact discs, basically anything classical and jazz that has ever been recorded. Old analog equipment is restored and used, not sold.

REASON #2: Longevity of programming.

One program – Out to Lunch – that airs weekdays from Noon to 3pm began 45 years ago. Columbia alumni are urged to donate their record collections and other media.

REASON #3: Sound quality is of paramount concern.

WKCR airs lots of analog recordings. New student employees are taught how to use and maintain reel-to-reel tapes.

REASON #4: Folks at WKCR know the station is unique and they don’t care if you don’t like it.


Elisabeth Stam
Elisabeth Stam, station manager of WKCR was interviewed in September 2016 by College Media Journal (CMJ) {link]:

 CMJ: WKCR has quite a history, what is one of your favorite stories from the stations past that you think best defines the station?

STAM: One of my favorite stories from WKCR’s past occurred on October 4th 1957, when WKCR students managed to record transmissions from Sputnik’s radio pulses (some sort of beep sound) while Sputnik was orbiting the planet. WKCR broadcasted the recording on the radio before any of the networks in New York City had a chance to. The next morning, the FBI arrived at the station and confiscated WKCR’s Sputnik recordings, much to the students’ surprise and indignation.

This story epitomizes the WKCR spirit where young people immediately sgrasp the importance of developing events and pull together whatever necessary to bring our listeners what they deserve to hear, the best and nothing less. WKCR has always operated in a sphere beyond traditional college radio and that is what this anecdote demonstrates.

CMJ: The first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think college radio is not Classical and Jazz, how has the station carved out a place for itself with this unique format?

STAM: WKCR is dedicated to playing genres of music that are infrequently heard, if not at all, on commercial radio and even on college radio. WKCR has carved out a place with our unique format because no one else anywhere on the FM dial devotes so much time and energy to playing large amounts of Jazz and Classical.

We also pride ourselves on playing compositions in their entirely instead of excerpts. During our Bach Festival at the end of December, WKCR plays Bach compositions uninterrupted for a week or more.

KEN SAYS: This is all well-and-good in the here-and-now but a radio person like myself always looks for a plan “B.” Look again at WKCR’s coverage area.  I’d guess there are ten million people who can receive 89.9, plus countless more on digital platforms. Columbia University has such an amazing history of knowledge, innovation and service to humanity, I find it amazing they have not considered a more contemporary and urgent sound for WKCR. This is a major under developed asset.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Last week we reported on Fred Jacobs’ presentation of the eighth annual Public Radio Tech Survey (PRTS-8) at the PRPD Content Conference in September. We featured several graphs showing info from the research. There are many more takeaways we didn’t cite. You can download the entire PRTS-8 report at [link]

One of the PRTS-8 graphs we that I found of interest is Mobile Phone Dependency among public radio listeners (see graph on the right).  Jacobs Media surveyed almost 30,000 listeners and that over 25% of respondents replied “Yes” to this question: “I am addicted to my mobile phone.”

Almost half of the folks in millennial ages agreed that they are addicted to their phones. Thirty one percent (31%) of NPR News respondents and 30% of Triple A listeners also confessed their addition.

I don’t believe Smartphone addiction is as big a problem as some people do. In addition to connecting with others, Smartphones provide real-time news and the latest trends in music, culture and lots and lots of advertising.  Why go to the mall when everything you find there is in the palm of your hand.

Still, there are genuine concerns about the impact of cell phones. A recent study conducted by Baylor University found that some heavy users suffer from “nomophobia,” or the fear of being without one’s cell phone. The study reports that obsessive use of a smartphone has been compared to that of credit card misuse and compulsive buying, impaired self-esteem and impaired work performance.


Also PRTS-8 showed that 51% of responding public radio listeners said they listen to podcasts to hear previously broadcast programs. Are podcasts another way to say rerun? Are on-demand editions of reruns counted as listening to podcasts?

I hope that someone, someday can provide a definition of podcasts – what they are or what they aren’t. Is a book on tape a podcast? Is the rerun of last week’s Wait...Wait, Don’t Tell Me a podcast? Is a bootleg recording of business meeting a podcast? Maybe Eric Nuzum is right [link]. Perhaps we should delete the term “podcast.” 


As you know the 2016 elections will (thankfully) be over in a couple of weeks. In an effort to get another news headline before they are over, Nielsen released the chart on the right Top Rated Formats By Political Affiliation.

First note that some formats, such as NPR News, aren’t listed. In fact, I count only six commercial radio formats in the chart. Then someone came up with an artificial definition of “political affiliations.” Will someone please tell me what is an On-the-Fence Liberal or a Mild Republican?

And what are we supposed to do with these factoids? The next time someone asks you what radio format Uninvolved Republicans listen to most, you can reply Contemporary Hit Radio a/k/a Top 40.


KBIA in Columbia, Missouri uses flow charts to help inform new newsroom employees and students. 

The chart on the left is a step-by-step procedure of what to do when a news source won’t return your phone call.

There are likely great takeaways in this info but the chart layout says “You can’t get there from here.”

Monday, October 24, 2016



WWNO has acquired a primo FM translator in New Orleans and plans on making it a 24/7 Classical music station. Key factors for FM translators are the transmissions location and height above terrain. K285FF FM 104.9 covers NOLA from downtown on a 735’ perch. 

On the flatlands of coastal Louisiana, 99-watts is all you need to reach lots of people. Projected coverage area is shown on the map of the right.

According to GM Paul Maassen, the new translator is a considerable investment for WWNO, but the cost is far less than a full-time FM license:

Paul Maassen

“Our past attempts to launch an all-classical FM station were thwarted by the high cost of a full-service FM license—a likely $3 million or more.  But this new opportunity will allow WWNO to return classical music to FM radio with a capital investment of just $225,000 and a projected initial operating cost of about $50,000 per year.”

104.9 will repeat the 24/7 schedule of Classical programming currently available on WWNO’s HD2 signal. Since few people ever listen to HD channels, Classical fans are eagerly anticipating the new 104.9 FM.

Plans call for 104.9 to begin broadcasting early in 2017.


 Thanks to the FCC’s plan to revitalize AM broadcasting by adding FM repeaters, WBAA-AM has announced the acquisition of a translator at 105.9 FM to simulcast WBAA-AM 24/7. Because of WBAA-AM’s restricted nighttime coverage, 105.9 FM will expand listening options for NPR News listeners in the Lafayette, Indiana area.

WBAA purchased the construction permit (CP) for the translator from another Lafayette area broadcaster for $45,000. The CP was days from expiring.  Mike Savage, general manager of WBAA AM/FM got the folks at Purdue University to more quickly to complete the purchase. In a press release from Purdue [link], Savage, general manager of WBAA AM/FM, talked about the need for 105.9 FM:

"We heard the requests from our listeners to put the WBAA News format on FM. This is the first time our listeners will be able to hear AM920 programming on FM."

According to Savage, the new 105.9 FM cover a 15 to 20 mile radius from WBAA’s tower site, exceeding expectations. WBAA-FM will continue to air Morning Edition and All Things Considered on mainly Classical 101.3 FM.


Life is good in Hilo, Hawaii
Late last week the FCC approved Hawaii Public Radio’s (HPR) application for a new full-power FM station to serve folks in the Hilo area. HPR operates two statewide program streams, one specializing in NPR News and the other providing Classical music. The new station will broadcast HPR’s news network.

HPR’s President and General Manager Jose Fajardo said the new station will be on the air soon: “[We] will go live in Hilo within days.”

Preparation  continues for the new Hilo station
The frequency for the new NPR News station was not announced last week. The new station most likely KAHU 91.7 FM, a construction permit owned by HPR. HPR’s Classical programming is current heard in Hilo on KANO 91.1 FM. KAHU will transmit from KANO’s tower site. According to Fajardo, funds for the new station came from HPR supporters on the Big Island.

There was more good news from HPR last week. The just-completed Fall 2016 Pledge Drive, brought in $872,000 and HPR added a record 922 new members.

Friday, October 21, 2016



This past Tuesday (10/16) we commented on a post by consultant Mike Henry [link] asserting that the growth of Low Power FM (LPFM) stations…should serve as yet another wake-up call for local NPR News radio stations. Henry wrote: 

…being the sole outlet for ethnic and community groups, LPFM stations are quickly finding ground and a path as a true hyper-local news outlet in the vacuum being created by NPR News stations that do not cover the local ground. If LPFM stations can now eat your lunch, then your lunch deserves to be eaten.

We received several reader comments, not the least of which is a note from Mike Henry himself:

Mike Henry
Hi Ken.  Good post.  I don’t disagree with you on anything.  We’re saying the same thing from two different perspectives. 

Mine is that some NPR News stations are not doing enough on the local front, and it’s a big void in too many markets.  Some stations are over-relying on NPR News and other national programs. 

Yours is that more NPR News stations are producing more local content, and the effort is growing, which I agree with. Good discussion!

KEN SAYS: Other readers such as Aaron Reed agreed with my premise that most NPR News stations and LPFM stations are in two different worlds.  While local content is important to news stations, there are very few situations where a NPR News station will have its “lunch eaten.” Reed said, in part:

Aaron Reed
Most of the time there are one or more three key factors that are going to make it very, very hard for an LPFM to "eat NPR's lunch". Co-exist, perhaps, but not eat the lunch:

1. The local NPR outlet will do a good job serving their local community with local news and content.

2. The population density is too low for an LPFM to effectively serve the area, so no matter how good the programming is...they won't get enough audience to generate the necessary revenue to support it.

3. If the market is small enough but there's just enough population density to make an LPFM theoretically viable? There's probably a small AM or FM commercial station filling that niche by being highly active in the local community.

That last one's important. Many in the industry, myself included, often bemoan how "big corporate radio" has ruined radio...but there are quite a lot of small town broadcast operators out there who love their towns and hustle to prove it.

KEN SAYS: Reed is correct. I appreciate his pointing out that there are quite a few small market commercial stations where local news and info is the cornerstone of their schedule and social media. There has been a pushback against corporate consolidation by a new generation of “home town” hyper-local stations that has not received the coverage it deserves.

A case-in-point is KXLG-FM [link] in Watertown, SD, owed by Armada Media. Watertown is a market of around 40,000 people and eight stations. Seven of the stations are owned by notorious cost-cutting, bottom-feeding, chain operator Three Eagles Broadcasting. KXLG has used its excellent local news and hometown focus to distinguish itself. According to what I’ve heard, KXLG’s annual revenue is greater than the seven Three Eagles stations combined. 


On Monday (10/17) I took Hillsdale College and Talkers magazine to task for the truly disappointing event they staged live on C-SPAN [link]. They promoted it as a debate about talk radio’s role in the 2016 election. What they delivered were a bunch of old pals sharing inside stories in a dank boomy room – a long way from “must see TV.” 

Michael Harrison

I received a couple of confidential comments from readers who believed I was unfairly criticizing Michael Harrison of Talkers and that I am expecting too much from radio broadcasters. One reader said that radio panels are often low tech and are certainly not made for TV.  I asked Harrison what he thought of my post and he replied:

Hi Ken, I found nothing wrong or upsetting about your review of the program.  You address a legitimate point of view and I support this type of critical thinking/expression.  Thank you for taking the time and effort to do so and letting me know. Best, Michael


Regarding our post on Monday (10/10) concerning Pacifica’s dire financial condition and possible impact on the safety of Pacifica’s treasured archives [link]. Reader Bill Forrest sent this comment:

I'm very concerned about the archives. They should be organized as in a library, digitized, and made available to everyone. I did this for my own tape collection. It's a lot of work, but in the end very worthwhile. Could the Library of Congress be convinced to take on this job?

KEN SAYS: In a perfect world, this would already have been done. Unfortunately the diehards that operate Pacifica are not focused on the greater good, they are playing Game of Thrones with the entire Pacifica legacy. Scorched earth is the result.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Dave Chaney, editor and publisher of the music news blog called me last Monday and left a voice mail message. I put his message into a stack of similar ones.  Now I wish I’d called him back.

Then Wednesday morning I went to, one of a number of sites I visit frequently, and was greeted by these words:



This is the end of an era that Dave Chaney helped make possible.


I first got involved with noncommercial Triple A format in 2003.  Dave started in late 2001. Things were different then.

Triple A was not thought of as a visable public radio format in most markets.  There were exceptions such as WXPN’s pioneering work in 1990s (with financial help from CPB), WFPK in Louisville and KCRW was using its perch in West LA.

At that time nobody could imagine Bill Kling at American Public Media investing several million dollars for a station that became The Current or Neil Best at KUNC in Colorado basing the business plan for a new station (105.5 The Colorado Sound) on the proven track record of other Triple A stations.

Now Triple A is one of public radio’s four established formats along with NPR News, Classical and Jazz.

Two factors made noncom Triple A visible and viable: The annual NONCOMM-vention and Both were so effective because they were based on a sense community, common ground and the belief that the music matters. offered a new platform for stations, artists and labels to get the word out about what they were doing. “The Panel” –’s  airplay reporting vehicle – included noncom stations of all shapes and sizes. It was a list where WSYC in Shippensburg PA had the same status as WXPN. This made folks in places like WSYC feel they had a stake in the success of music.

In the early years of the NONCOMM-vention, “welcomed” the conference in the way stations welcome a concert, with passion, inclusiveness and a bit of hype. I went to my first NONCOMM-vention in 2003 because Dave Chaney invited me. When I attend I felt like I was at home with folks who had a common sense of purpose and sensibility.

“IT IS TOUGH TO MAKE A LIVING IN NONCOM TRIPLE A” brought in much of its revenue from banner ads purchased by music labels, artists and promoters. As you know the music industry is a shadow of what it was in pre-Napster days.  In 2001 an independent music publication could count on label support. Not so now.

I spoke to Chaney Wednesday afternoon.  He is doing fine, thank you.

What happened to was that it ceased to be financially sustainable. Chaney said the downturn started with the 2008-2009 recession:

“Promotional spending by the music industry never recovered after the recession. As an indie with no other major revenue source, our existence was always on the edge. I am proud of what accomplished.  We had lots of fun and heard great music.  have no regrets and wish continued success to all of our many friends at Triple A radio and in the music business." 


Here is a sample of praise for Dave Chaney and from folks in the biz:

• From Paul Marszalek, publisher of a competing site The Top 22 [link]:

Dave's done a considerable amount of great work over the years, with an unquestionable amount of passion and a collaborative attitude. His decision is completely understandable. is far from being my day job, instead a passion side project -- which is the sole reason it still exists. In our collective current state, it's virtually impossible for more than one or two people to make a full-time job out of writing/reporting on the format.

• From Bruce Warren, head guru at WXPN:

Dave and his site was a super super advocate for the format and provided a lot of useful information for our part of the music industry. We are grateful for his work.

• From consultant Mike Henry of Paragon Media Strategies:

Dave Chaney is a great champion of our format and his website will be missed.  It provided a place for those in our format to virtually meet and to follow its evolution.  I hope Dave finds ways to stay involved.

• From Mark Abuzzahab of VuHaus:

For over a decade I've depended on to know what's going on in the format, especially with smaller market stations.   First we started to lose trade magazines, then commercial stations, and now websites.   What's next?
